UAT Testing for seamless User Experience in integrated household management application

Our client, a leading global manufacturer, is developing an Integrated Household Management Application aimed at providing smart household services such as control the building’s security with access control solutions. Upon release, the client first required thorough User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to ensure the app met both functional and user-centric requirements. They emphasize on seamless user experience, and uphold extremely high quality standards for our team.

3 QA Testers



Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Household Management Application


(Since 8/2024)



Die Herausforderung

  • Bug detection & optimization: Der app experienced bugs and design and user experience was inconvenient and not optimized, highlighting the need for assessment & adjustment.
  • Complex business and customer flow: Our team needs to understand the business challenges, needs, and customer journey comprehensively and conduct the testing correctly according to end user.
  • Limited timescale & high pressure: Der testers are required to work in tight time schedules while maintaining high quality that satisfies the big corporation’s standards.

Die Lösung

  • Manual UAT testing: Emphasized hands-on testing by simulating various end user actions such as making online reservations or updating household information.
  • Black-Box Testing technique: we focus on input-output behavior, ensuring all functionalities worked seamlessly from the user’s perspective.
  • Business and user flow research: Conducted weekly walkthrough sessions with the client to refine test scenarios and align them with business goals. Our team was able to quickly understand the business, users needs and challenges.
  • Errors identification: Detected critical issues and collaborated with the development team to verify and retest fixes efficiently.

Kernfunktionen der Anwendung


Use Black box technique to focus on user behavior and validate the app's functionality without requiring the underlying code.


Understand client system's workflow and end user flow to deliver high quality testing and customize to specific test cases under tight time schedules.


Provide weekly demo test case with comprehensive planning and timeline.
Identify bugs, retest fixes and adjust to peer reviews from clients


Seamless user experience

SmartDev's testing enables the client to adjust and curate seamlessness in user flow. This reduces the burden on the client's internal developer team and ensures great user experience.

Enhanced Efficiency in operations

SmartDev's manual testing support, including bugs detection and continuous adjustment to real-time feedback improves application reliability and performance.

On-time app delivery

The testing team completed within the tight deadlines, allowing the client to proceed with the subsequent planning phase without any delays. This streamlines the process and reduces unwanted operational costs.

Erste Schritte

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