Finanzielle Zukunft gestalten: Eine Fallstudie zum Erfolg von Vermögensverwaltungs-Apps

Our client is a pioneering financial technology company headquartered in Singapore. The company is focused on providing a comprehensive platform that integrates wealth management with health and lifestyle planning. Their mission is to empower individuals to plan effectively for their future by offering tools that allow users to manage their financial assets, monitor their health, and make informed lifestyle choices. Incubated by SC Ventures and operating as a subsidiary of Standard Chartered, they enjoy significant backing and credibility in the financial sector.

*Der Kunde hat mit SmartDev eine Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung abgeschlossen.


12 staffs (Developers, QAs, Scrum Masters, Project Manager)


Fintech, Wealth & Lifestyle Management

Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Mobile and Web App Development


Ongoing (Since 2021)



Die Herausforderung

The client faced a complex challenge: integrating financial data with health and lifestyle insights while ensuring a seamless user experience across multiple devices. This required a robust and scalable platform capable of handling large volumes of sensitive data while adhering to stringent regulations. Additionally, the client’s limited resources and the need for a diverse skillset presented significant hurdles in the development process.

Die Lösung

SmartDev partnered with the client for 2.5 years, using our fintech expertise and agile development to build a secure and scalable platform. The team combined React, C#, and Microsoft.NET to create a robust foundation. We implemented industry-leading security measures and custom algorithms for real-time financial insights. Frequent releases ensured the platform remained user-friendly and responsive.

SmartDev has been an incredible partner in our journey. Their expertise, flexibility, and commitment to quality have been instrumental in helping us achieve our vision. The collaboration has been seamless, and the results have exceeded our expectations.

Archanaa RavikumarLeiter Technik


SQL Server

Kernfunktionen der Anwendung

Wealth Management

Users can manage their investments, track financial progress, and receive personalized advice based on their financial data and risk profile.

Health & Lifestyle Integration

The platform integrates health data from wearable devices and applications, providing users with insights into how their lifestyle choices affect their future.

Future Readiness Score

Eine einzigartige Funktion, die die finanzielle Vorbereitung der Benutzer bewertet und umsetzbare Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung ihrer Punktzahl bietet.


Collaborative Innovation and Agile Development

SmartDev's partnership extended over 2.5 years, demonstrating their commitment to collaborating with the client to bring their vision to life. The adoption of agile development methodologies facilitated a flexible and iterative approach, ensuring continuous improvement and responsiveness to evolving needs.

Secure and Scalable Fintech Platform

SmartDev's expertise in fintech resulted in a robust and scalable platform. The utilization of a tech stack including React, C#, and Microsoft.NET ensured efficient and secure operation, while industry-leading encryption and data protection measures prioritized user information security.

Real-Time Financial Insights and User-Centric Approach

The development of custom algorithms and data processing pipelines facilitated real-time financial analysis and insights. The team's focus on test coverage and automation enabled frequent and reliable releases, ensuring the platform remained dynamic and responsive to user needs. This combination delivered valuable financial intelligence while prioritizing user experience.

Erste Schritte

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