Upgrade auf Exzellenz: Großbritanniens führende Fulfillment-Plattform

With a mission to provide the best end-to-end fulfillment service for its customers, The UK's Premier Fulfillment Platform enables eCommerce businesses to easily access market-leading technologies, operations, and a full range of value-added services. To further elevate the customer experience, the company has partnered with SmartDev to upgrade its Customer Portal.

6 Front-end developers & 01 Technical Leader


Elektronischer Handel

Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Customer Portal


August 2022 to present


Offices in England, Northern Ireland, and South America


React Query
React Testing-Library
Chakra UI

Kernfunktionen der Anwendung

Boost User Engagement

Integrate interactive elements like testimonials and dynamic CTAs to encourage real-time communication and keep users engaged.

Enhance Lead Conversion

Implemented a comprehensive mapping system to align internal food IDs with external systems, ensuring seamless data integration across platforms.

SEO Optimization

Apply SEO best practices by optimizing metadata, using relevant keywords, and ensuring mobile-friendly design. Regular technical SEO audits will help improve visibility and drive organic traffic.


Phased Approach

Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that focuses on delivering essential features like core service pages and basic functionality. This allows for a quicker launch while meeting immediate business needs. A flexible CMS like WordPress will enable easy updates and expansions, allowing new features to be added in phases as time and budget permit.

Responsive Design

Adopting a mobile-first design ensures that the website functions seamlessly on all devices, from smartphones to desktops. Key elements such as navigation, forms, and CTAs should be optimized for smaller, touch-based screens. This approach guarantees a consistent user experience, improving engagement and reducing bounce rates across all platforms.

Optimize Performance

Improving website performance involves compressing images and media to reduce load times without sacrificing quality. Implementing lazy loading for offscreen content ensures faster initial page load times.

Erste Schritte

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