SmartDev At A Glance

Welcome to SmartDev! We understand that companies seeking a new outsourced development partner may have several key questions that need to be addressed before considering an exploratory meeting. Therefore, we’ve compiled some content to provide you with valuable insights. This includes a brief tour of our development center, an explanation of why Vietnam is an ideal location, and finally, a list of key clients who have chosen SmartDev as their trusted partner.

Request a Meeting with us
Why Vietnam
Services Overview
SmartDev Quick Tour
SmartDev Partnered
SmartDev Process

Why Vietnam

Vietnam has quickly emerged as a top choice for companies looking for cost-effective solutions, top-notch talent, and a thriving tech industry. Check out SmartDev’s latest article on why Vietnam is the smart choice for software outsourcing and discover for yourself why Vietnam is the perfect place to take your business to the next level.

SmartDev Portfolio

Looking for a comprehensive overview of SmartDev’s services, capabilities, and success stories? Look no further than our SmartDev Portfolio, which includes four main sections: SmartDev in General, SmartDev Technical Capabilities, SmartDev Commercial Models, and SmartDev Case Studies.

SmartDev Dedicated Team

SmartDev’s Agile Dedicated Team is your ideal technology partner for seamless project extension. Comprising top-tier developers, we integrate with your in-house talent, ensuring a strong, cohesive tech resource. Delivering on-time, flexible, and scalable solutions, SmartDev’s team becomes your project’s powerhouse for success.

SmartDev Discovery Phase

SmartDev’s Discovery Phase, a brief but powerful project, illuminates your goals, strategies, and technology needs. Collaborating with our expert IT team, clients gain clarity about their objectives and a comprehensive plan for the journey and investment ahead. It’s your roadmap to success in just a few weeks.

Nous rendons les technologies de l'information simples, plus rapides et moins coûteuses

SmartDev Company Quick Tour

We are excited to introduce a new video series featuring SmartDev, showcasing our vibrant work environment and innovative culture. These videos will be available on our channel,and broadcasted on national television, providing a unique glimpse into the dynamic spaces and collaborative atmosphere that define our workplace.
SmartDev - An Office Tour
Hanoi Grand Opening
SmartDev en vedette sur VTC2
SmartDev Featured on DaNang TV

Témoignage de SmartDev

Dans cette section spéciale, nous présentons quatre vidéos de témoignages de clients issus de leurs visites dans nos bureaux au Vietnam et chez nos clients. Ces témoignages soulignent notre engagement envers le bonheur, l'épanouissement et la satisfaction de nos clients, alors que nous nous efforçons de construire des partenariats solides qui donnent la priorité à leurs besoins et favorisent des relations durables.
Étude de cas SmartDev et BOLDR - Votre partenaire de développement logiciel dans l'innovation IoT
Étude de cas SmartDev et Clarifruit – Innovation pionnière dans le contrôle de la qualité des produits frais avec l'IA
Unleash the Future of Equine Solutions with Premier Australian Equine Tech Leader & SmartDev!
Étude de cas SmartDev : de l'Allemagne au Vietnam : co-création de la feuille de route du produit (atelier de découverte)

Avec qui nous avons collaboré

How we work with our customers?

1. Collecte des besoins

By gathering information about your business and project, we’ll make sure we provide candidates with not only the right skills and capabilities with a strong cultural fit. Job descriptions help enormously, so we are always appreciative of any current hiring related documentation that you can provide.

2. Finding The Best Candidates

Once we get the requirement, we’ll check the people we have available on our ‘resource bench’ who can begin working on a new project shortly. If not, our recruitment team jumps into action. With an extensive reach and depth of knowledge about the local talent market, our goal is to offer you 2-3 ideal candidate profiles within 5 working days of receiving your brief.

3. Candidate Engagement

We send over candidate CV’s and short video clip introductions. Once you’ve narrowed down your choice we can work with you to schedule and arrange interviews with those individuals who are of interest, providing additional support and guidance throughout the selection and hiring process as needed.

4. Candidate Onboarding

Once choices are made, we’ll introduce you to our finance team to finalize rates and sort the paperwork. Our business development managers will support the process along the way so that we can quickly and easily integrate candidates into you your project.

Vous avez un projet en tête ?

With SmartDev, you can find a range of technical competencies to help you scope, design and build your ideal product or solution. Share your vision with us and we will get back to you the following working day.

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