For pretty much any business in the world, the last couple of years have been tumultuous, to say the least. Broad-scale change of any variety, however, can be wrangled in a positive direction given clarity of vision, openness to newness, and some good old intestinal fortitude. At SmartDev, we’ve been rethinking the office and just what it means to us.
In this particular case, we’re talking about SmartDev’s change of physical location — and the general change in work environment we’ve all been through to some degree. SmartDev’s team has been working hard on rethinking the work environment from top to bottom. The results are promising indeed.
Rethinking the Office: The Triumph of Location
In the real estate business, there are three words that matter: location, location, and location. You can expand that notion to work of any variety and see the effect of a location on a person’s state of mind. As many erstwhile remote workers have discovered during the pandemic, getting the right location to work in is critical to getting just about anything done.
On top of that, just what’s “right” changes constantly depending on a myriad of factors. Office culture itself has been challenged like never before over the last couple of years — and that’s where SmartDev is taking the opportunity to reinvent its physical layout, rethinking the office for the better.

Finding the perfect office location is like hitting the jackpot.
What does that mean for us? Simply put, we’re moving on up: a bigger office for our growing team, a clubhouse to help keep our uber-talented staff as happy as possible, and room to grow into as the team continues to expand.
Kings and queens have palaces, banks have skyscrapers, and religions have temples and cathedrals. While our office is humble by comparison, it’s still a place that inspires our team and helps us do the best job we can. A building is for the people inside it, anyway, though a positive external appearance certainly does add to prestige.
That prestige helps us attract some of the best talent not just in Da Nang anymore, but throughout all of Vietnam. As we’ve previously mentioned, Vietnam is brimming in tech talent, and our job is to make that talent available to our clients worldwide. To attract and retain talented workers, we make sure to pay them well, treat them well, and give them a solid place to work. That’s the office.
An Office Is a State of Mind
Of course, we’re no strangers to remote work. The pandemic forced businesses’ hands worldwide to allow workers to work remotely, and many companies learned valuable lessons from this time. One key takeaway was that yes, indeed, good work can be done remotely — and in many cases this has been a net positive for just about everyone — since the whole world has been rethinking the office.
For us, for example, this trend towards remote work has allowed us to expand our hiring capacity to the whole of Vietnam, as we mentioned above. Opening our doors to the nearly hundred million people of Vietnam means we can find some of the best darn programmers out there and entice them to work for us. It’s pretty neat, really.

A modern, chic office helps inspire our uber-talented staff to be their best self.
So there’s a fine balancing act here — we’ll maintain our remote teams while also re-opening our office in a new and improved location. Do we sound like we’re crowing about it? We are. It’s ok to be proud of yourself sometimes.
Giving Back
As a significant player in central Vietnam’s tech landscape, it’s our responsibility to give back to the community that has been such fertile soil for our team. If you want to see how we do that, check out our internship program to see how we tick.
Of course, the goal here is to provide the best tech service possible for our clients. That idea is the fruit of the tree, but the tree has to be firmly rooted before it can bear good fruit. The new office gives us those roots.

This 404 found a prize!
Want to know how working with SmartDev can be right for you? Want to know more about us in general? Reach out to us to discuss a project or for a quote and we’ll be thrilled to talk to you. We’ll probably even show off our new office.